If improving your body outline is one of your New Year’s Resolutions, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Stephen Montante, offers multiple body contouring procedures designed to deliver your desired results.

Whether it’s your breasts which concern you, are another area of your body, his expertise in aesthetics and plastic surgery will help you on your path to a sculpted, well-defined body.

Your Breasts

When breasts droop, sag or lack definition, a woman’s figure can be thrown out of balance. Breast surgeries like breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction deliver improved contours and help restore a balanced, youthful-looking figure.

A breast augmentation utilizes implants to improve contour, firmness, and increase size. There is an array of implant types which vary in size and shape, allowing for results which aptly fit the patient’s body type.

A breast lift repositions the breasts to a youthful, more elevated position. When the nipples droop below the natural breast fold, this procedure will help a woman attain an attractive, perky breast presence.

When a woman’s breasts are too large, causing neck and back pain, a breast reduction will reduce their size to better suit the patient’s body type. This procedure allows women to be active and enjoy a wider variety of clothing options.

Your Body

Life events like pregnancy and weight fluctuation may cause damage to underlying tissue or promote fat deposits to accumulate in all the wrong places. Dr. Montante can deliver results where diet and exercise cannot. He employs the most advanced methods and techniques to deliver stunning results which can be life-changing.

The most popular body contouring surgery in Richmond and across the country is liposuction. This procedure removes excess fat from certain body areas like the breasts, abdomen, thighs, and neck. Once these fat cells are gone, they are gone for good, leaving you with a sleeker, slimmer silhouette.

A tummy tuck addresses the abdomen, which may be stretched because of pregnancy or weight gain. When this happens, the abdominal muscles may become damaged, and surgery is necessary to return the tummy to its youthful contour.

Also known as an abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat while reinforcing the abdominal wall. A tighter tummy is the result.

Mothers understand there may be multiple areas of the body which need help after having children. These may include the breasts, belly, and other body parts. A mommy makeover is a combination of multiple body contouring procedures done concurrently to deliver a comprehensive solution to this issue.

The most common procedures for a mommy makeover are breast augmentation, breast lift, and a tummy tuck. However, other treatments are possible like a body lift, Genevieve, or a facelift.

Get Started

Although we are still in the season of parties, dinners, and celebration, it’s not too soon to get a jumpstart on your cosmetic goals for 2019. Simply schedule a consultation today to learn more about how Dr. Montante can help you achieve your goals for the new year.

To learn more, contact us today.